Trainer / Privatunterricht

Elmar Homann


Hospitaliter Magdeburg


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Chris Lee-Becker


Academia da Espada Deutschland


Chris Lee-Becker, Instruktor der Academia da Espada Deutschland


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Marco Bibinger


Academia da Espada Deutschland


Fechte seit 2020 Destreza nach Rada, und bin Trainer bei der Academia da Espada Deutschland; mehr Infos unter Academia da Espada Deutschland


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Luca Fioretto Basile


ASD Scherma Storica Dolomiti


Fioretto Luca Basile ist ein historischer und künstlerischer Fechtmeister der Nationalen Fechtakademie von Neapel (gegründet 1861), wo er auch den Titel eines Nationalen Ausbilders für olympisches Fechten erhalten hat. Er interessiert sich für das Fechten der Renaissance und des Barocks und konzentriert seine Studien hauptsächlich auf die neapolitanische Schule. Derzeit unterrichtet er historisches Fechten an der ASD Fechtakademie Dolomiti und olympisches Degenfechten an der ASD Scherma Vittorio Veneto. Er ist einer der Lehrer, die an den Ausbildungsprogrammen der Nationalen Fechtakademie für historisches und künstlerisches Fechten beteiligt sind. Im Jahr 2022 veröffentlichte er die erste kommentierte italienische Version von "His Practise" von Vincentio Saviolo, die die aktuellste und detaillierteste Studie über den Autor und sein Traktat enthält.

Fioretto Luca Basile is a Historical and Artistic Fencing Master of the National Fencing Academy of Naples (founded in 1861), where he also attained the degree of National Instructor for Olympic Fencing. Interested in Renaissance and Baroque fencing, he focuses his study mainly on the Neapolitan School. He currently teaches historical fencing at ASD Accademia di Scherma Dolomiti, and olympic epee at ASD Scherma Vittorio Veneto. He is one of the teachers involved in the training programs of the National Fencing Academy for Historical and Artistic Fencing. In 2022 he published the first Italian commented version of “His Practise” by Vincentio Saviolo, which includes the most detailed research on the author and his treatise.


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Jan Obendorfer


Academia da Espada Deutschland


Jan Obendorfer, Monitor der Academia da Espada Deutschland


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Stefan Feichtinger




Stefan began in 2011 with classical smallsword fencing in Passau, and was forced to switch to rapier after his move to Vienna - turns out, this was just the thing for him. Later, his interest in the Italian longsword and sidesword grew, so that he also extensively studied the Bolognese and other earlier Italian sources and consulted them as precursors of the rapier for a deeper understanding and thus is examining them from a top-down perspective. His emphasis is on Italian sources of the 16th century, which the trained historian translates and adapts for training in his club Sprezzatura in Vienna.


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Stephan Eickelmann


Schildwache Potsdam e.V.


Stephan is an instructor and co-founder of Schildwache Potsdam. He embarked on his martial arts journey with a focus on MS I.33 and Fiore, but his interests eventually led him to the captivating world of the 16th century Bolognese Tradition. Within this rich tradition, Stephan's primary passions include the Solo Spada and everything you might add to your secondary hand (Buckler, Cape, Dagger, Rotella, etc.).

In addition to his dedication to Bolognese fencing, Stephan is an active member of the national rapier squad, where he explores the elegant and intricate art of North Italian rapier fencing from the 17th century. His main focus in this domain is the study of Nicoletto Giganti, although he readily admits his fondness for Salvadore Fabris.


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