Seminar mit Jörg Bellinghausen

Am 01./02.12.2001 führte die Schwertkampfgruppe Ochs ein Seminar zum historischen Fechten mit Jörg Bellinghausen durch. Als langjähriger Sportfechter, der sich seit mehr als 10 Jahren mit den Schwerttechniken und der Fechtkunst des Johannes Liechtenauer beschäftigt, gab uns Jörg eine umfassende Einführung in das spätmittelalterliche Fechten der sogenannten Deutschen Schule des Fechtens mit dem Langen Schwert.
Folgender Seminarreport wurde uns mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Bartek Walczak ( ARMA-Polen bzw. Brotherhood of the Eagles Nest) überlassen:
At the end of November I was invited by Claus Drexler from the German group Ochs to come to Munich and participate in a seminar with Jörg Bellinghausen. The focus of the seminar was Johannes Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Swertes.
I arrived on Friday morning in Munich. The seminar was to take place at Saturday and Sunday, so we spend our time with Claus, Hans, Steffen and Alex mainly talking and exchanging experience. I was finally able to meet the people whom I only knew through the internet. In the meantime we visited the museum in the castle Ingolstadt and I was able to browse through the excellent collection of medieval shields and daggers. The museum contains also a lot of interesting renaissance cut-and-thrust swords (labelled rapiers of course) and some other nice stuff. Unfortunately I forgot to take a camera with me, and I couldn’t take any pictures.
The seminar started at 11.00 on Saturday. Jörg began with a short speech on the possible sources of long sword fencing, underlining the important role of treatises and manuals. He also stressed the fact, that what he was going to show us was just his own interpretation mainly of the techniques contained in Ringeck’s treatise.
Afterwards the practical part followed, which included the basic long sword stances of a German tradition: vom Tag, Ochs, Pflug and Alber. Jörg stressed all the important points on them not being static but tactical positions and other important issues. Then he passed to the cuts and techniques. First an Oberhau, then Zornhau along with Zornort and winden, Krumphau (which execution usually is a topic of discussion) and Zwerchhau. All those we learned in practical application doing the techniques from Ringeck’s treatise. This day ended with a nice dinner in the nearby restaurant where we were discussing both swordsmanship and other less formal topics.
Sunday wasn’t as strict as Saturday. Jörg mentioned Schielhau and Scheitelhau, and we did a few techniques with those cuts. Then he passed to the half-swording which took us the rest of the day. The last half an hour he was answering our questions so I used it to ask him about the specific things which he didn’t show during his seminar. I wish we had more time with this.
Overall, I think I learned a lot during this seminar despite my German being quite awful. Although there were some differences in interpretation, certainly what Jörg presented was an effective system. Ochs did a lot of good work organizing this seminar, and I would like to thank them and especially my hosts – Claus Drexler and Steffen Zimmerman – for the great time I enjoyed in Munich.
© 2002 Barthomiej Walczak (Source: